Last week was my jury duty, where I learned that I do not think that exposing onesself during a lap dance in a strip club should not be illegal. Seriously, I can't believe I got picked to sit on a trial about a stripper exposing herself and allowing herself to be fondled during a dance. Isn't that kind of the point? That is illegal? When I get fondled, I don't get arrested. Is it the money thing? Because sometimes Dan pays me rent and then fondles me later that day. Why aren't I in jail? Oh, and part of these vice cops' jobs is to go out to clubs and spend police department money on these dances to check to make sure they are legal. Aww, poor cops, their job is so hard. The cop on our trial said he found it disgusting. Maybe he should ask to be taken off of that beat then!!
Luckily we found her not guilty due to lack of evidence. It was not because I think that the charges are ridiculous, even though I do, but there was no proof really. It was his word against hers and there is that whole reasonable doubt thing. She didn't even know she was charged until she received a citation a month and a half after the incident. How the hell is she supposed to defend herself when she can't even remember it? Bah!
In other news, I have finished two shawls since my last visit here, started a hat 4 times, ripped it out 4 times, got frustrated and started an easier scarf. The hat is for Dan, he lost this one that his sister made him about a month ago and has been very sad about it. I was thinking he didn't really need it right away since it is summer soon, but from the looks of the monsoon going on outside he probably could have used it today. I'm going to start anew this weekend, and I feel like I have more knowledge now. I have dropped stitches where I start a new row in the round, I have screwed up the knit knit purl purl pattern by purl purl purling too many times, I have twisted my work. This time I will do none of these things. I will start slowly and surely and I won't drink a beer before starting. Right? Right.
The scarf I'm working on is a popular pattern amongst the people on Ravelry. It is a simple 1x1 rib - knit, purl, repeat - and it is interesting only because of the type of yarn used, Noro. Noro yarns are from Japan and it seems the most popular types are Kureyon which is wool and Silk Garden which is a silk and wool blend. I am using Taiyo which is mainly cotton with silk and wool (and maybe something else thrown in, I can't remember) and it is softer than the other two mentioned and just a little bulkier in some parts. The cool thing about this yarn is that it has color changes in it, so it is kind of like a gradual stripe. The colors are also really bright, and I LOVE BRIGHT COLOR. So a lot of people do this scarf where you use two different colors of the yarn and do skinny stripes because you get to see all the transitions and the striping makes it look really neat and super colorful. I don't think I'm quite describing it right, but really it is super fantastic! I've much further now than when I took this photo, but to give you an idea...

Other than all that, not much. Just busy at work now that I missed time last week and all. This weekend I have too many things to do, it is the LYS (local yarn store) Tour this weekend in Seattle and I hope to at least stop by Seattle Yarn in my hood on either day, it is the cheese festival in the Pike Place Market, Dan's mom and stepdad, Dan and I will be ushering at Arts West for Gutenberg the Musical on Saturday evening preceeded by eating lots of yummy Indian food at Maharaja, and then Sunday morning Dan and I are running (er, walking?) in Beat the Bridge for Juvenile Diabetes. So for tonight, I think I'll take it easy. We were going to go out, but I really need some down time!
Oh, and my phone is done for as of this week. It is a long story that stems from an ill advised moment of rage and throwing of my phone and ends about a month later with super glue. The dumb part is I could have gotten it fixed numerous times and didn't bother. So I ordered a new phone for an obscene amount of money. Which I realize is super stupid and it turns out that my contract is actually up in December and I could have gotten it for much much cheaper. But it is too late now, and I really want the new phone now and not later, so there.
me like scarf a picture of my shawl, too :)