The silly thing is I have finished other items less pressing that are not gifts. I just can't seem to stick to just one thing and if I see something I want to make I have to make it right away. No waiting. It is like ADD or something.
I made another Foliage hat from I really like this hat. It is super quick in the chunky version. I am currently knitting a worsted weight version, but that is a little more tedious and slower going. I may have to take a Foliage break after that one.

I also knitted a silly hat for Dan that is VERY WARM. The yarn is SUPER EXTRA BULKY and I used needles too small and it hurt the crap out of my hands, but I enjoy the results. It isn't exactly as I had hoped, but it keeps his poor head warm in the winter cold and he seems to like it, so I'm not going to complain...much.

He had to kneel on the floor for me to photograph it at a good angle. Haha. Poor thing, I do this nice thing where I knit him something and then I force him to be photographed in it. He's a good sport.
We cleaned the crap out of our living room last Saturday. Dan had to go to the store 3 times for different cleaning products/vacuum cleaner bags/detergent/light bulbs and made about 10 trips to the dumpster. We, er, have a messy problem? We are lazy, that is the main problem. It was pretty bad, guys. Garbage on the floor bad. I'm not proud. But it is tons better now, so there! I learned that my vacuum sucks, or rather it does not suck. I want a Dyson so badly. But a lazy person who isn't great at cleaning probably doesn't deserve a brand new expensive vacuum. Maybe just one that doesn't leave cat hair clumps on the floor after going over them 8 times.
After the cleaning we went to the liquor store to pick up the regular holiday fare. You know, peppermint schnapps, brandy and of course the one staple of Christmas time, Bailey's. We almost bought the $45 giant jug of Bailey's, and come to think of it I still might. I don't drink it all year long, but during Christmas I just want to have a big ol' glass of it every night with some cookies.
Once we had the proper libations, we put up the tree. When I moved out of my mother's house 7 years ago I stopped having Christmas trees every year. They are expensive. And I haven't had a car. And they are expensive. I think perhaps when I had roommates we may have had a fake tree one or two years, or we had intentions for a tree but it never panned out. I never got one when I was living alone. Last year Dan and I spent our first Christmas living together and we got a tree. Let me tell you, it is not Christmas without a tree. There is no better feeling than to come home to a fresh pine scented home (no air freshener will do) and to walk over and plug in the lights and just bask in the glow of the holidays. Cheesy? Yes. I don't care. It doesn't feel like Christmas to me without a tree.
So we have our tree up this year. It isn't even 5 feet tall, but it is fat and beautiful. It was definitely expensive. I always intend on looking at the cheaper Douglas Firs, but the Noble Fir is just so...NOBLE. And beautiful. And this year we didn't even have to buy lights or extra ornaments because we had all the ones I bought last year and a nice selection of ornaments from my childhood. The ones my mom hand beaded, probably when I was an infant, are my favorite. They are falling apart a little, but they look antique and beautiful. The cats also enjoy the tree, especially the jangly bits.

I can't wait for next week. I have Wednesday-Sunday off for total relaxation time. Well, part of the time will be spent celebrating with family and that isn't necessarily always relaxing, but it is still fun. Hopefully I'll finish these two knitted gifts that I am still working on furiously.
Happy Christmas!